First Day of School
Oh it can't be possible Wednesday was the first day of school. Our summer has seemed to fly. I am missing my lunch buddy. It is a little odd not to have her home 1/2 days. I am missing her but I now that she is having so much fun. She is in the same class for the first year with one of her good friends. They went to preschool and kindergarten together but they where never in the same class. Abby seems to be enjoying all day school and eating in the lunch room with all of her friends. She is growing up so fast. She came home and was so excited she got to play on the big kids play ground and got two recesses. I forgot to take her picture before she got on the bus so I had to take it when she got home from school. When I told her I wanted to take her picture she but her hands in the air and said oh brother. Oh what a HOOT she is and to be a kid with a carefree sprite.
How can you not love this face with a personality to boot. She is a case in a half and all mine. My heart just burstes with love and pride.
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